Amerex ABC or Multi-Purpose extinguisher 10 lb. B456

RUGGED • 6 Year Warranty • Stored Pressure Design • Dependable Drawn Steel Cylinders • Durable High Gloss Polyester Powder Paint • All Metal Valve Construction Chrome Plated Brass Valve Body Stainless Steel Handle & Lever Aluminum Valve - Light to Medium Duty Anodized Aluminum Valve Body Anodized Aluminum Handle & Lever • Temperature Range -65°F to 120°F
USER FRIENDLY • Easy and Economical to Maintain and Service • Large Loop Pull Pin • Bar Coded and Bilingual Labels
OPTION • USCG Approved with Bracket Listed on UL Label • Chrome Cylinders (See Chart Below)
Manufactured and Tested to ANSI/UL Standards Complies with NFPA 10 Standard ISO-9001 / ISO-14001 Certified UL LISTED
ABC or Multi-Purpose extinguishers utilize a specially fluidized and siliconized mono ammonium phosphate dry chemical. It chemically insulates Class A fires by melting at approximately 350°F and coats surface to which it is applied. It smothers and breaks the chain reaction of Class B fires and will not conduct electricity back to the operator.